- "My Girl" is an amazing painting with many of Jackie's more signature techniques. Notice the back lighting and how it makes the ducks lift out from the canvas. Available in prints of various sizes this one will brighten any room looking to accent a wilderness theme. Good luck hiding this one from your friends attention.
- Fisherman's cove takes one back to a simpler time when small fishing boats lined the docks being readied for another day at sea. So close to Halifax and it's citadel fortress but in so many ways so far away this tiny settlement preserves the atmosphere of the old fishing village. Here brightly painted boats contrast with the weathered wood of fishing shacks, only a short distance from Peggy's Cove and Lunenburg.
- Found in any Nova Scotian fishing village are the brightly colored boats and buoys. Resting securely at dock between runs these rugged little maritime boats give no hint at the harsh waves they face in the Atlantic Ocean. Between trips they rest moored in the calm shelter of heavy beamed docks and breakwaters.
- Frozen in time, Lunenburg's streets still echo with the clatter of horseshoes and wagonwheels. Brightly colored buildings from the 1700 and 1800's line the narrow streets just as they were hundreds of years ago. This world heritage site welcomes visitors from around the globe just as it did in days of old when this small port opened her arms to all seafarers.
- Frozen in time, Lunenburg's streets still echo with the clatter of horseshoes and wagonwheels. Brightly colored buildings from the 1700 and 1800's line the narrow streets just as they were hundreds of years ago. This world heritage site welcomes visitors from around the globe just as it did in days of old when this small port opened her arms to all seafarers.
- Blue rocks takes one a step back to a simpler time. There stands an isolated fishing shack completely surrounded by the ocean. Paint peeling and covered in moss, resting on a seaweed covered rocky island.
- Nestled into a quiet cove in the shadow of the steeple fishing boats find safe harbour from Atlantic storms and turbulent waves. Bright colors reflect on the glassy waters and the smell of sea salt and wharf timbers waft through the air. The sigh of wood on wood as swells brush the boats against the dock and the swishing of water under the beams whisper softly.
- The soft swishing of waves as they lap against the fishing boats contrasts with the cry of seagulls in the sheltered cove on the coast of Atlantic Canada. Salty sea mists drifts through the air finding every buoy, net and dripping from the rigging.
- The soft swishing of waves as they lap against the fishing boats contrasts with the cry of seagulls in the sheltered cove on the coast of Atlantic Canada. Salty sea mists drifts through the air finding every buoy, net and dripping from the rigging.
- Three Churches stand as sentinels guarding the harbour of Mahone Bay their reflections rippling across the waters. 365 Islands dot this beautiful bay and in days of old they offered refuge for pirates and privateers. The churches would be a welcome sight to any sailing ship braving these perils as she made the safety of the harbour.
- Not far from Peggy's Cove, with her lighthouse watching over the harbour, the fisherman pulls another lobster filled trap up from the ocean floor. The smell of the salt sea air wafts shoreward as the water drains from the rugged wooden hand wrought trap. He fishes as his father and grandfather did keeping tradition and a way of live alive and true.
- Standing as a guardian and guide to wayward ships, Peggy's cove lighthouse welcomes all visitors to Nova Scotia. Standing on the seashore, the scent of wild roses blend with the salt breezes midst old buoys and boats with peeling paint. The thunderous sounds of surf breaking interspersed with the crys of sea gulls overhead.
- Emblem of the North A pair of Inukshuk stand as a markers used by Inuit showing the way on the barren tundra. It is known as a symbol of the importance of friendship, each stone fitting into the whole making the structure strong and reminds us of our the dependence on each other.
- Resting among tall grasses and wildflowers the dory waits ready for the seas embrace once more. Her peeling paint has curled faded in the summer sun but she is still more than able to best the waves and salty surf of the Atlantic coastline.
- Heading out from the quiet cove, passing the Dingle tower the rugged little fishing boats leaves the safe harbour venturing into the Atlantic and turbulent waves. The day holds much promise for fishing and if the weather holds, they will return home with a plentiful catch.
- 3" x 5" Card
- Great for special occasions such as Christmas and birthdays.
- The card is folded with a blank interior. You will be able to write a beautiful note inside.
- Each card comes with an envelope for easy mailing.
- Every card has an insert with a write up about Jacqueline Verge
- 3" x 5" Card
- Great for special occasions such as Christmas and birthdays.
- The card is folded with a blank interior. You will be able to write a beautiful note inside.
- Each card comes with an envelope for easy mailing.
- Every card has an insert with a write up about Jacqueline Verge
- 3" x 5" Card
- Great for special occasions such as Christmas and birthdays.
- The card is folded with a blank interior. You will be able to write a beautiful note inside.
- Each card comes with an envelope for easy mailing.
- Every card has an insert with a write up about Jacqueline Verge
- Flesh and fire blend within the Arabian Stallion, forged in the hottest of deserts. The steel of this elegant creature has been tempered to bring forth the finest and most powerful of nature's creations.
- On the chill ice of a quiet harbor a mother harbor seal watches over her single pup. In her true element, the great ocean, she is fast and fluid, her mottled markings making her practically invisible. Yet to the ice surface her instincts nave brought her, for it is here that the next generation must be born.
- 3" x 5" Card
- Great for special occasions such as Christmas and birthdays.
- The card is folded with a blank interior. You will be able to write a beautiful note inside.
- Each card comes with an envelope for easy mailing.
- Every card has an insert with a write up about Jacqueline Verge
- He already knows the way home and happily trots ahead of mom as they return to the barn after a mornings outing. Every day with her makes him bolder and more ready to venture on his own.
- Spending only a few months on land each year to raise its young, the Atlantic Puffin is a true seabird. They choose rugged, rocky islands off our maritime coasts, their remoteness offering a secure nesting site. There, great colonies of thousands can be seen on the steep cliffsides, courting, sparring and taking off to join the circling throng as they fly to out sea to return with a meal for their brood.
- Two's company as tiny legs carry the plovers just ahead of the surging wave. Their entire life is nearly spent on the narrow strand of sand between the crashing Atlantic waves and the bowed beach grasses as they dart furtively to and fro.
- Sunlight dances off golden eyes in the warm morning light. Whiskers and petals stirred by a gentle breeze dance by the garden path.
- Friends stroll midst the wild flowers behind the sand dunes of a Maritime beach. The air is filled with the scent of salt spray, wafted past the beach grass from the breakers on the nearby beach. Queen Anne's Lace blooms around the weathered pole fence that parallels the walker's path. The well worn path has witnessed many such strolls and a myriad of happy conversations.
- 3" x 5" Card
- Great for special occasions such as Christmas and birthdays.
- The card is folded with a blank interior. You will be able to write a beautiful note inside.
- Each card comes with an envelope for easy mailing.
- Every card has an insert with a write up about Jacqueline Verge
- Resting but a moment, the kingfisher casts his gaze across a still pool on the meandering maritime river, before flitting on up the waterway. He's a master fisherman whose watchful gaze can pick out the silver flash of a fish beneath the surface and when he does, blue lightning strikes as he plummets into the water.
- Lying stock-still the newborn fawn peers out from midst marshy grasses peppered with tasseled milkweed and ruby flowered pitcher plants. His dapple coat trembles with the passing spring breeze and his nose twitches slightly as he scents for his mom. Today he's spring's gift, and soon he will be exploring the forest nibbling new buds and playing with woodland mice.
- Gossamer wings shimmer in the morning light. Resting for a moment on a flowers stalk, this master of the air will soon be airborne once more flitting throughout the garden.
- A pair of Inukshuk stand as a markers used by Inuit showing the way on the barren tundra. It is known as a symbol of the importance of friendship, each stone fitting into the whole making the structure strong and reminds us of our the dependence on each other.
- MORNING MISTS part as the guardians of the lake slip silently across the glassy waters. Reflections flash across the mirrored surface in their passing by. Their mournful cry pierces the calm of early dawn just as the sun banishes the mists of night. The loon graces our wilderness lakes with its haunting elegance.
- Golden rays dance amongst the beach grass as another day of surfing comes to its sweet end. A day of the joy of riding and bending to nature's power and riding the graceful waves. the taste of salty water still dripping down their faces and muscles aching from pushing to the limits.
- Gulls cry overhead as we walk about on the wharf enjoying the smell of salt on the gentle sea breeze. The sound of broken shells crunching under foot mingles with the soft swishing of waves against the nearby boats as they rise and fall on the swells. A fisherman has stowed his gear here, its bright colors contrasting with the browns and greys of weather worn timbers.
- A quiet stroll one May in the woods, enjoying the sounds, sights and scents of spring. Birds singing and fresh buds bursting all around. Then a surprise ... a baby rabbit, so tiny and so still he could easily have been passed by. The muted brown of his tasselled fur a blend with his surroundings and the telltale white flash marks the forehead of the baby snowshoe hare. Then in a flash, he's off, racing through the fiddleheads and labrador tea.
- A quiet stroll one May in the woods, enjoying the sounds, sights and scents of spring. Birds singing and fresh buds bursting all around, fiddlehead ferns unfurling. Then a surprise ... a pair of baby rabbits, so tiny and so still they could easily have been passed by. The muted brown of their tassled fur a blend with the surrounding grasses and the telltale white flash marks the forehead of the baby snowshoe hare.