• The Kiss

  • The Guardian

    Splintering the still air with his bugling call, the Guardian stands, ever watchful, ever vigilant. As his breath drifts softly in foggy wisps in the morning's young hours, it seems all is at peace. His herd graces restfully under his watchful gaze. Even so, his keen sense of smell detects intruders. Their footfalls silent and dangerously close, despite the frosty grasses underneath. In an instant he will be fierce and terrible, as he charges to confront them, to the aid of his clan, his mighty rack of antlers more menacing than any sword blade. 6 foot powerful spikes wielded with the full anger of an 800 pound elk bearing down on them ... wolves beware!
  • Tequila Sunrise

    Fiery orange blends with cool shades of blue on a frosty Tequila Sunrise morning. Frost crystals sparkle on grasses bent under a late spring snow as the morning sun warms the marsh. A silent, magical moment, lasting but a few seconds transpires as a trio of ducks appear out of the cool mists hanging over the pond's waters. Gentle ripples flee before them teasing the burning reflections of the rising sun - a new morning is born.
  • Solitary Giant

  • Red Fox

  • Kindled Embers

  • Polar Bears

  • Changing Seasons

  • Hidden Promise

  • Winter’s Rest

    The drip, drip, drip, of new snow melting in the warm morning light heralds the arrival of spring. The promise of warm sunny weather is woven in the sound of songbirds flitting through the trees. Nova Scotia's smallest owl, a Saw-whet, rests quietly among the branches. She welcomes the warmer plentiful days of spring and this will be her last winter's rest before setting out to find a mate and raise her new family in the tall stands of conifers that is her home.
  • Forest Friends

    Sharing the forest, the tiny chickadee and the young moose feed among the evergreen boughs as the sunshine gives them warmth. Both moving along ever so carefree, each in their own way. The busy twitter of the chickadees, much louder than the silent whisper of branches as the moose calf slips through them.
  • Fall Encounter


    This owl loves to hang out watching the river. Will a small animal wonder down to drink some water? Patients is a virtue. Good things come to those who wait.

    I love the fall colors and the lighting in this image. This would be great for the fall theme during Thanksgiving week.

  • Pole Dancer

  • Little Bandits

  • Lounging Around

    Little urban dwellers showing off for the artist.
  • Northern Wanderer


    Desperate, driven by the will to survive; this northern wanderer rests. Rabid storms have entombed the arctic tundra hiding her prey deep beneath the snow. The frozen landscape offered her no reprieve.

    Ravaged by hunger and pressed by storms she flew nearly a thousand miles southward, toward a land instinct knew existed. A land of plenty, where the ocean's moderating effects free the landscape of ice and snow, offering life and hope. Midst the barrens of the Maritime coast she rests, camouflaged, transfigured into a small boulder, one of the thousands that dot the Peggy's Cove barrens. White rocks rest in a red tide of Labrador tea, and here she finds rest, warmth and food.

  • Thunderbird

  • Fall Harvest

  • Emblem of the Wild

  • Ebony and Ivory

  • Tattered Bulrushes

    Perched atop a tattered bulrush, the Redwing Blackbird watches carefully over his territory on the verge of a marshy pond. His calls carrying over the waters, sparkling as if diamonds were cast across their surface. Nearby his mate pauses for but a moment as she flits from bulrush to bulrush gathering mayflies to feed their hungry brood.
  • Wilderness Magic

    WILDERNESS MAGIC was manifest when the haunting call of this loon pierced dusk's waning light. Gliding across the lake*s surface her mournful wail declares the true spirit of the wilderness. Silent ripples march outward on the still water, ebony lines on a glassy blue surface. The mirrored surface lies disturbed as she paddles * searching. Mother to a pair of moose-gray chicks, she calls out. Her soft spectral  voice luring the last baby from the nest midst the reeds. A true water bird, this will be the last time the baby rests on land until it one day builds it*s nest to complete nature*s circle.
  • Autumn Harvest

    3" x 5" Card
    • Great for special occasions such as Christmas and birthdays.
    • The card is folded with a blank interior.  You will be able to write a beautiful note inside.
    • Each card comes with an envelope for easy mailing.
    • Every card has an insert with a write up about Jacqueline Verge
  • Black Magic

    The black bear cub peers cautiously from the safety  of the tree trunk he scampered up. There's a magical quality in his blinking eyes. So tender and curious yet so wild and powerful. They can slip silently through the branch strewn forest with not a sound and only a fleeting glance to claim.
  • Spending only a few months on land each year to raise its young, the Atlantic Puffin is a true seabird. They choose rugged, rocky islands off our maritime coasts, their remoteness offering a secure nesting site. There, great colonies of thousands can be seen on the steep cliffsides, courting, sparring and taking off to join the circling throng as they fly to out sea to return with a meal for their brood.
  • Jewels of the Sea

    3" x 5" Card
    • Great for special occasions such as Christmas and birthdays.
    • The card is folded with a blank interior.  You will be able to write a beautiful note inside.
    • Each card comes with an envelope for easy mailing.
    • Every card has an insert with a write up about Jacqueline Verge
  • Rat-a-tat-tat

    Rat-a-tat-tat rings through the Maritime forest. This familiar sound announces the presence of the downy woodpecker, one of Nova Scotia's forest's more handsome residents.
  • Spring’s Gift

    A quiet stroll one May in the woods, enjoying the sounds, sights and scents of spring. Birds singing and fresh buds bursting all around, fiddlehead ferns unfurling. Then a surprise ... a pair of baby rabbits, so tiny and so still they could easily have been passed by. The muted brown of their tassled fur a blend with the surrounding grasses and the telltale white flash marks the forehead of the baby snowshoe hare.
  • May Surprise

    A quiet stroll one May in the woods, enjoying the sounds, sights and scents of spring. Birds singing and fresh buds bursting all around. Then a surprise ... a baby rabbit, so tiny and so still he could easily have been passed by. The muted brown of his tasselled fur a blend with his surroundings and the telltale white flash marks the forehead of the baby snowshoe hare. Then in a flash, he's off, racing through the fiddleheads and labrador tea.
  • Buoys & Salt Air

    Gulls cry overhead as we walk about on the wharf enjoying the smell of salt on the gentle sea breeze. The sound of broken shells crunching under foot mingles with the soft swishing of waves against the nearby boats as they rise and fall on the swells. A fisherman has stowed his gear here, its bright colors contrasting with the browns and greys of weather worn timbers.
  • Surf & Friends

    Golden rays dance amongst the beach grass as another day of surfing comes to its sweet end. A day of the joy of riding and bending to nature's power and riding the graceful waves. the taste of salty water still dripping down their faces and muscles aching from pushing to the limits.
  • Morning Mist

    MORNING MISTS part as the guardians of the lake slip silently across the glassy waters. Reflections flash across the mirrored surface in their passing by. Their mournful cry pierces the calm of early dawn just as the sun banishes the mists of night. The loon graces our wilderness lakes with its haunting elegance.
  • The Inukshuk (pair)

     A pair of Inukshuk stand as  a markers used by Inuit showing the way on the barren tundra. It is  known as a symbol of the importance of friendship, each stone fitting into the whole making the structure strong and reminds us of our the dependence on each other.  
  • Gossamer Wings

    Gossamer wings shimmer in the morning light. Resting for a moment on a flowers stalk, this master of the air will soon be airborne once more flitting throughout the garden.
  • Marsh Baby

    Lying stock-still the newborn fawn peers out from midst marshy grasses peppered with tasseled milkweed and ruby flowered pitcher plants. His dapple coat trembles with the passing spring breeze and his nose twitches slightly as he scents for his mom. Today he's spring's gift, and soon he will be exploring the forest nibbling new buds and playing with woodland mice.
  • Blue Lightning

    Resting but a moment, the kingfisher casts his gaze across a still pool on the meandering maritime river, before flitting on up the waterway. He's a master fisherman whose watchful gaze can pick out the silver flash of a fish beneath the surface and when he does, blue lightning strikes as he plummets into the water.
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