Wilderness and Nature Artist – Jacqueline Verge
Some of our sightings were at a distance (across a lake), some closer (across a pond), while others were incredibly close (a mere 30 feet).
On one occasion, we watched from close by as a large bull and cow moose courted in a stand of tall spruce. He pawed up a huge section of the forest floor marking his territory and courtship area. She responded by coming next to him brushing up against him and settling down onto the overturned moss. When other bulls tried to sneak in, we watched in awe as he swiftly dispatched them with a full out charge.
This bull moose was clearly the most dominant and powerful in the area. Beware to any young bull (or photographer) that wanders into his range.
Huge bull moose walking out of the forest onto lake shore.

Massive Bull Moose at Forest’s Edge guarding his Mate

Sept 24 to Oct 8 – We had an amazing time photographing moose and other forest friends in the Gaspésie Peninsula. There is a lot of movement in the woods at this time of year with many opportunities to view and take those perfect pictures.
We experienced a wonderful two weeks in the Chic Choc Mountains, which is on the Gaspésie Peninsula of Quebec. The moose are especially photogenic this time of year, because they’re busy finding mates and chasing off rivals. Therefore, we explored the shorelines of several mountain lakes, mountainside trails and beaver ponds. Our patience was rewarded with many encounters with these majestic creatures. We observed several medium and large bulls, many cow moose and their calves.

Pair of Moose Playing at a Lake’s Edge

Spruce Grouse proudly displaying his plumage.
Spruce Grouse and Ruffed Grouse share the Gaspésie as part of their range. Spruce grouse males have the flashy bright red crests above their eyes. I ran across this guy while hiking in the mountains one morning and photographed him as he displayed his stunning plumage.

Photographing a bull moose as close as it gets
This Northern Flicker landed just above us and peered down curiously.
Video of bull moose as he walks out on the lake shore. You can hear him calling for the female (low grunts). He had spotted us, but wasn’t certain what we were.

Flock of Scaup gliding across a still lake in the Gaspésie

The lakes and forests of the Gaspésie peninsula are teeming with waterfowl and forest birds. Various duck species such as Scaup and Golden EYecan be seen gliding across the calm waters, as well as loons and Canada geese. In the forests are spruce and ruffed grouse, songbirds, Canada Jays (Whiskey Jack) and several types of woodpecker. In addition, overhead eagles and hawks drift on the mountain breezes.
Magnificent loon calmly watches as we photograph.

A pair of loons grace one of the lakes we watched for moose

Scaup preening as we photograph

While photographing moose is our primary objective when we are in the Gaspésie, one just cannot ignore the many opportunities to observe and photograph the beautiful birds found there.
Jackie I’ve so enjoyed looking through your website. I love the beautiful paintings of the moose. You are truly talented and gifted by God!❤
nice job