Jacqueline has been published and recognized on many occasions:
In May 2018 Jacqueline won The Mayor’s Award in the 2018 Annual Contemporary Art Society of Nova Scotia’s Juried Show with her work ‘Squeaks’ depicting a tiny chipmunk among crimson bunchberry leaves which she observed and painted while photographing moose.

In May 2018 Jacqueline won Judge’s Choice – Best in Show in the 2018 Annual East Hants Fine Art Association Juried Show with her work ‘Forest Friends’ depicting a young moose and a family of chickadees flitting about the evergreens.

On September 4th Jacqueline held a two week solo show ‘Sable Island’s Horses – Wild & Free’ at Winding River Gallery after returning from her photographic expedition to Sable Island in August 2017.

In July 2017 Jacqueline won 2nd Place in Nova Scotia’s Canada 150 Juried Art Show with her work ‘Out of the Shadows’ depicting a cougar slipping quietly out for a drink at the edge of a pond.

Her works ‘The Kiss’, ‘Beyond Limits’ and ‘Vantage Point’ were featured in the hardcover book ‘ Nova Scotia’s Contemporary Artists ‘ published by Nimbus Publishing.

In 2010 Jacqueline won 1st Place in the Annual Contemporary Art Society of Nova Scotia’s Juried Show.
In preparation for this painting Jacqueline travelled to the Gaspésie Peninsula of Quebec, hiked into the mountainsides and photographed this Massive bull and cow moose in courtship from only a few yards distance during their rutting season.
< See 3 of her photographic images from her trip below >

Jacqueline, in her studio, signing and numbering hundreds of ” Beach Party” prints for Ducks Unlimited.
These prints will help Ducks Unlimited raise funds to protect wildlife habitat.
May 2008, Studio on the Marsh presented Jacqueline to the province of New Brunswick in a Solo Show.

In 2007 her painting ‘Vantage Point’ won the Mayor’s Award in the Annual Contemporary Art Society of Nova Scotia’s Juried Show.

In October 2007, Jacqueline was presented to the public in her Premiere Solo Show at Focal Point Gallery, Amherst.

In October 2006 Jacqueline was privileged to be invited to a Master Artist Workshop with world renowned Robert Bateman.